Our Operating Principles

1. Faith First

We put prayer, contemplation, and Mass at the center of every day at Nativity.  Faith allows us to make sense of the universe, conscious existence, free will, and our own suffering. This practice calms our minds and souls each day. 

2. Simple is Better

Our world changes rapidly.  Our slowly changing biological minds sometimes struggle to keep pace. We prioritize simplicity — in our daily schedule, our communications, and our physical space. We remember that the person who most changed the course of human history was born in a stable and lived simply.

3. Fewer Things, Deeper

The growing list of choices and options at many schools can be overwhelming.  We provide a curriculum that allows time for mastery of essential subjects. Examples include: our daily math hour, two-hour blocks for science and fine arts courses, our four-year language program, and our integrated study of literature, history, theology, and philosophy.

4. Be Light

We strive to "be light" in all that we do. Light creates a culture of honesty, joy and optimism. We recognize that we are all flawed but deeply loved by God, and we seek to share that love with every person we encounter. Jesus went to great lengths to teach us that light, love, and humility are antidotes for fear, judgmentalism, and self-righteous pride.  “Light” is also the opposite of “heavy.” We endeavor to be light-hearted and welcoming, and to laugh easily and often. 

5. Serve

Learning and talking are important; serving and doing are essential. We want to live in humble service giving our time generously to our families, friends, and strangers —  especially those that feel lost, lonely, or afraid. We dedicate two hours every other week to directly serving the people in our community.