Our Name
Why we choose the name Nativity:
First, the Nativity is the quiet and humble scene when God entered the world as a helpless infant, laid to rest in the feeding trough of the animals that surrounded Him. It is a reminder to each of us that changing the world starts with humility.
Second, almost nothing is as joyful as the arrival of a newborn child. We hope our school can emulate and embody that joy.
Third, the Nativity is a celebration of the family. Our school should feel like a family (keeping in mind that all families have their quirks). When a student joins Nativity, we welcome and invite their broader family to join us as well.
Fourth, as with all great birthday parties, there were gifts at the Nativity. We want to help our students discover their own gifts, and then give them generously.
Fifth, there were camels, and we like camels.